Sabtu, Februari 11, 2012

Acoustic Guitar Care Tips ( Cara Merawat Gitar )

Caring for a guitar that was easy bother.
Difficult, because the guitar really sensitive, especially the acoustic guitar. Just a little dust has less effect on changes in the character of sound / noise generated.
Easy because it is actually a few simple ways, the guitar can be treated well.
The following tips I get from my experience, and sharing my friends who likes to play guitar, and by "googling" here and there. Well the following tips, really easy to do. The point of origin do not be lazy wrote.

Well, for caring so tetep durable acoustic guitar, and his voice was okay tetep and ga 'Fals, try deh read carefully (ceile language ...)

Caring for an acoustic guitar

Bersihin strings
Bersihin strings regularly, at least once a week engga. If need to use a special cleaning fluid string / string cleaner, there koq in the store. The point is that the string does cepet rust ga wrote, and maintain the character of his voice.

Kendorin strings
if his guitar like in "istirahatin" in a long time, disaranin dikendorin strings. These keep the neck from kekencengan ga melengkun strings.

The Right Place
Posi best is stretched, with the position of free strings do not touch any surface.

Bersihin Guitar
In addition to the strings; body, fretboard, and other parts must also be clean, shiny even if he can be objective :-) .. let unsightly, also maintain the quality of acoustic

Replace strings
Replace the strings if already rust, do not wait for broken or ugly. Because it would influence the vote.

Replace One Set
Try to change the strings if not the only one, although the broken one. Function, so that a uniform sound character of each string.

Do Dibantin
Spare us the guitar (the only iialah GTU .. he ..)
if not ditaro, cobadeh lovingly (beuh. ..!)

Well hopefully if already read the tips above, our guitars, guitar as well so my friends could be maintained and preserved for sure. Anybody want to nambahin? ajj comments huh?

Acoustic Guitar Care Tips ( Cara Merawat Gitar )

Caring for a guitar that was easy bother.
Difficult, because the guitar really sensitive, especially the acoustic guitar. Just a little dust has less effect on changes in the character of sound / noise generated.
Easy because it is actually a few simple ways, the guitar can be treated well.
The following tips I get from my experience, and sharing my friends who likes to play guitar, and by "googling" here and there. Well the following tips, really easy to do. The point of origin do not be lazy wrote.

Well, for caring so tetep durable acoustic guitar, and his voice was okay tetep and ga 'Fals, try deh read carefully (ceile language ...)

Caring for an acoustic guitar

Bersihin strings
Bersihin strings regularly, at least once a week engga. If need to use a special cleaning fluid string / string cleaner, there koq in the store. The point is that the string does cepet rust ga wrote, and maintain the character of his voice.

Kendorin strings
if his guitar like in "istirahatin" in a long time, disaranin dikendorin strings. These keep the neck from kekencengan ga melengkun strings.

The Right Place
Posi best is stretched, with the position of free strings do not touch any surface.

Bersihin Guitar
In addition to the strings; body, fretboard, and other parts must also be clean, shiny even if he can be objective :-) .. let unsightly, also maintain the quality of acoustic

Replace strings
Replace the strings if already rust, do not wait for broken or ugly. Because it would influence the vote.

Replace One Set
Try to change the strings if not the only one, although the broken one. Function, so that a uniform sound character of each string.

Do Dibantin
Spare us the guitar (the only iialah GTU .. he ..)
if not ditaro, cobadeh lovingly (beuh. ..!)

Well hopefully if already read the tips above, our guitars, guitar as well so my friends could be maintained and preserved for sure. Anybody want to nambahin? ajj comments huh?